Executive Coaching

"The Executive Coaching I have received has been instrumental to unlock the potential in my life, and the life of the church. We would not be where we are today without it."
- Joel Wood Lead Pastor | Waymaker Church, New Mexico  

Elevate Your Ministry with

Executive Coaching by Church Boom

Welcome to a new era of leadership excellence within the Church.
Church Boom proudly presents its Executive Coaching Program, meticulously designed to empower pastors and church leaders with transformative strategies and insights.
Under the guidance of Chris Sonksen and our elite team of certified Church Boom Coaches, this program is your gateway to unprecedented growth and impact in your ministry.

In our executive coaching you'll find:

Clarity on taking your church to the next level.

A plan to grow your team and church.

Support to implement needed changes.


I say it often, "amateurs learn by trial-and-error, but professionals get coached!" As a pastor, you're dedicated to guiding, inspiring, and supporting your local church, but who supports you? Who helps you navigate the unique challenges and demands that come with your role?

I firmly believe that every pastor deserves a coach. A pastoral coach becomes your trusted partner, walking alongside you on your journey and providing the guidance, accountability, and unwavering support you need to fulfill your calling to the fullest.

Remember, you don't have to shoulder the weight alone. Embrace the power of  coaching and unlock your full potential as a pastor.

- Chris Sonksen


What others are saying —

"Executive coaching has been absolutely life changing for our ministry. As new lead pastors we spent the first couple years learning  everything the hard way, and we knew we needed proven coaching. Church Boom came alongside us and provided crucial wisdom, teaching, and strategy that launched us into a healthy, sustainable season of growth.

Executive coaching changed the game for myself and our team. 

Josh Weisbrod

Lead Pastor | Banner Church, Arizona

"One of the benefits of being coached is having someone who has your success in mind asking you the questions that bring out your best…

Coaching peels back the layers to help you get to the center of your pastoral heart…

Church Booms desire is to help you through coaching to become who and what God has called you to become…
Like an athlete, Chris’s coaching helps you to overcome barriers that have held you back.

Dave McNeely

Lead Pastor | New Life Church, Ohio

“Executive Coaching has been a game changer for me in three major ways: Making way better leadership decisions, building a culture of generosity & bringing one of my ministry dreams to life!” 

Hector Guiterrez

Lead Pastor | Thive Church, California 

Tailored Levels of Engagement

Coaching Options

We understand the diverse needs of churches of all sizes, which is why we offer three distinct levels of engagement, ensuring a perfect fit for your ministry's unique requirements.

1:1 Coaching for Your Senior Leader

 Direct, personalized coaching for the senior leader, focusing on individual growth, strategic planning, and leadership enhancement.

1:1 Coaching Plus Leadership Team Development

In addition to senior leader coaching, this level offers extended coaching for your leadership team, fostering a cohesive, empowered leadership unit.

BEST: Executive Coaching with Virtual Executive Pastor Program

Our most comprehensive offering includes executive coaching and a deep dive into implementation, integration, and partnership through our innovative Virtual Executive Pastor Program, designed for maximal ministry impact.for your Church Boom coach to visit on-site to provide you and your team training.

Get Started


Attend a complimentary strategy session to explore the potential of executive coaching for your ministry.

Book Now


Choose Your Level:
Select the coaching tier that aligns with your ministry's needs and aspirations.



Start experiencing the coaching difference


Take the First Step:

Embrace the opportunity to redefine what's possible for your ministry. Register for your complimentary strategy session today and begin the journey toward dynamic leadership and vibrant ministry with Executive Coaching by Church Boom.

Join us at Church Boom and chart a course towards a future where your leadership inspires, your ministry transforms, and your community thrives.

Take the First Step:

Embrace the opportunity to redefine what's possible for your ministry. Register for your complimentary strategy session today and begin the journey toward dynamic leadership and vibrant ministry with Executive Coaching by Church Boom.

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How much does coaching cost?

Our executive coaching program is tailored to suit the specific needs of each church. We encourage you to schedule a free coaching call with us so we can work together to create a plan that is perfect for you.

Is financial assistance available?

Yes, as part of the Church Rescue Initiative, we have financial assistance available to help pastors access coaching. Please contact us to let us know of your need.

Am I guaranteed to see results?

While we cannot guarantee specific outcomes, we are proud of the transformative impact our coaching has had on countless pastors. Through our coaching program, we have witnessed the remarkable growth not only in the numerical expansion of churches but also in the personal leadership skills of pastors.

The effectiveness of our coaching lies in its personalized and supportive nature, which enables pastors to realize their full potential and lead their churches with newfound confidence and vision.

While results may vary, our commitment to empowering pastors remains unwavering, and we are dedicated to walking alongside each pastor on their unique journey to achieve lasting growth and fulfillment.

What's the difference between group coaching cohorts and executive coaching?

Our group coaching cohorts are virtual coaching groups that meet for 10 months every year. Each group follows a proven curriculum to overcome church growth barriers. These groups are led by a Church Boom certified team, and you will be part of a small group of pastors.

Our executive coaching is a personalized approach where we work with you and your team one-on-one, both virtually and in-person. This type of coaching is designed for pastors and churches who are determined to accelerate their church's growth.

Is coaching the same as consulting?

Church coaching and church consulting serve distinct purposes.

Coaching revolves around personal and professional growth, fostering deep relationships between coaches and pastors for ongoing support and empowerment. It focuses on developing leadership skills and enabling pastors to find their own solutions.

Consulting is solution-oriented, offering expert advice on specific challenges within a church. Consultants provide actionable recommendations but may have a more short-term involvement.

Both coaching and consulting play crucial roles in church growth, with coaching being personalized and empowering, while consulting offers specialized expertise for targeted issues.

Do you have any free leadership resources?

Yes, check out our Free Downloads for some practical tools, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for weekly coaching content.

Finally, check out our podcast, The Fly on the Wall, where you can sit in on weekly live coaching sessions with pastors.

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